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Author: None
License: BSD-2-Clause
Summary: A multi-architecture binary analysis toolkit, with the ability to perform dynamic symbolic execution and various static analyses on binaries
Latest version: 9.2.99
Required dependencies: ailment | archinfo | cachetools | capstone | cffi | claripy | cle | colorama | cppheaderparser | dpkt | gitpython | itanium-demangler | mulpyplexer | nampa | networkx | protobuf | psutil | pycparser | pyformlang | pyvex | rich | rpyc | sortedcontainers | sympy | unicorn | unique-log-filter
Optional dependencies: furo | keystone-engine | myst-parser | pypcode | pytest | pytest-split | pytest-xdist | sphinx | sphinx-autodoc-typehints | sqlalchemy

Downloads last day: 1,429
Downloads last week: 6,140
Downloads last month: 35,461